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New Electricity Network Tariff from 1st July 2024

A large portion of your electricity bill is the network component, which is charged from the electricity distributor for the supply to your site. The network charges are based on the distributor’s tariff and the site’s electricity load and consumption. South Australia Power Networks has multiple network tariffs, for which the pricing is updated annually from the 1st July. If a site’s energy usage or demands change, or the network tariff parameters change, it could mean that you are paying more than what you should be!

There may be an alternate eligible tariff which you can be moved onto, to reduce these charges ongoing. Tariff changes are not applied retroactively, so it's beneficial to switch to a more cost-effective tariff as soon as possible.


TTEG’s Bill Guard service can assist your business to minimise unnecessary expenses on your energy bill. Our customisable suite of services includes monthly bill validation, network tariff review, and access to a customer management analysis reporting portal. With Bill Guard, you can ensure that you're only paying for what you need, optimising your energy usage, and ultimately saving on costs.


Reach out to us

We can assist your business by ensuring that you’re on the optimal network tariff and explore other cost-saving opportunities. Contact us or fill out our contact form in the link below.


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