The growing EV market raises multiple questions for hotel operators including: Where will guests / staff refuel their EV? Should I cater for this market? Will corporate travellers use EVs to meet their greenhouse goals? What is the potential cost/ benefit? Can I charge guests? If so, how much?
By installing a recharging station you may:
Receive more / prevent losing bookings, as guests can recharge their EV at your site
Extra recharging revenue –via a c/kWh charge on metered use or a flat extra charge per room?
Sell your “free” solar electricity to EVs during the day
Empower your brand – ‘green’ credentials
customers stay longer in bar/dining/hotel/shopping while their EV recharging
There is a huge push for EV with public, government and corporate interest in EVs at an all-time high. The charts shown on the side are for pure EVs, but in addition there is a transitional hybrid(petrol /electric) market out there.

Q) How long does it take to charge a car?
A) Typically most can top up 4 to 10 hours, so ideal for hotel guests.
Q) What is the electricity cost for a recharge?
A) Site dependent but ~ $10 to $20 for the energy component only. Your selling price can be higher to recover the refuelling station cost.
Q) What is the cost of a refuelling station?
A) It is very much site dependent. For many hotels, a slow charge wall mounted, three phase costs $2,279, charging one vehicle at a time. For floor mounted, three phase costs $7,600 charging two vehicles at the time. Rapid charges can cost $70k or more. With most of the cost being for installation, the cost per charger will considerably decrease in case of installing more than one charger.
Q) Are there any other costs?
A) If you want to on bill – yes.
Q) Can I use my existing solar to recharge EV?
A) Yes during the day, and potentially via battery overnight.
Q) Will EV’s impact my current electricity costs?
A) Typically minimally, but there are smart solutions that can be implemented to prevent any impost.